Who’s in Charge? Your Head or Your Heart

It’s a source of stress, excitement, embarrassment, joy, shame, fear, and anxiety. It can strain family relationships, spark arguments, and even end friendships. Yet, it can also be a means to express gratitude, support others, and create something meaningful. It might make you feel envious of your peers—or leave them envious of you. For many, it’s the yardstick of success, both in career and in life.

We’re talking about money. And it’s no surprise that our relationships with it are often complex and deeply personal.

Money is a subject intertwined with emotion, yet remains taboo for many. We don’t often talk about it, and when we do, it can be fraught with discomfort. But how can we confront financial dilemmas if we don’t address them directly?

Breaking the Silence Around Money

Decisions about money—asking for a raise, buying your first home, or helping out a friend—are rarely simple. Without open conversations, we miss out on wisdom and solidarity from others who’ve walked the same path.

That’s why The Humphreys Group started Insights & Outcomes: Conversation Circles for Women. For over five years, these gatherings have created a space for women to speak their truths about money—sharing fears, successes, and lessons learned. This isn’t about spreadsheets or investment portfolios. It’s about connection, empathy, and strength.

Who’s in Charge? Your Head or Your Heart

One of our favorite Circle topics is “Who’s in Charge? Your Head or Your Heart.” It’s a question that cuts to the core of how we navigate our financial lives. Conventional wisdom tells us to keep emotions out of the equation, but we believe that’s impossible—and unwise. Your rational side can chart the course, but it’s your heart that fuels the journey. When they’re in sync, everything flows.

During our Circles, we encourage participants to bring both intellect and emotion to the table, using a blend of instincts and insights to shape their financial goals. It’s a way to give voice to all the parts of ourselves that have something to say about money.

Tools to Help You Navigate

As part of these Conversation Circles, we use a set of exercises to help participants explore and clarify their financial goals. These resources encourage introspection and provide a structured way to think about what drives your financial choices. Below, you’ll find some of the key tools we use:

  • Personal Insights About Planning & Goal Setting: This worksheet invites you to reflect on your attitudes toward goal setting. By completing the sentences with the first words that come to mind, you’ll gain insight into your subconscious beliefs and how they might be guiding your decisions.
  • Wheel of Life: This exercise helps assess your satisfaction across various aspects of life, offering a visual representation of where you feel balanced and where you might want to focus more attention.
  •  Visualize Your Future: A simple yet powerful tool to clarify your values and priorities. It encourages you to envision what you want from each aspect of life and identify the steps needed to achieve those desires.
  • Goals for Life: Building on the previous exercise, this worksheet asks you to define specific, meaningful goals for each area of life, helping transform your vision into actionable steps.
  • Clarify Your Life Goals: The final resource in this series guides you to articulate your most important goals, estimate the resources required, and prioritize them. It prompts you to think not just in financial terms but also in time, energy, and commitment.

A Different Kind of Financial Conversation

The aim of Conversation Circles like these isn’t to provide ready-made answers but to empower you to find your own. By weaving together the rationality of your head and the intuition of your heart, you can build a balanced financial path that feels authentic and true to you. If you’d like to explore your relationship with money and learn from a community of like-minded women, consider joining us for our next Circle—learn more here. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Humphreys Group today!

Diane Bourdo, CFP®
Diane Bourdo, CFP®

Diane Bourdo is the President of The Humphreys Group. Diane has dedicated her life’s work to helping women make smart financial decisions. For nearly 30 years, she has developed investment management and financial planning strategies that allow her clients to create lives that reflect their values. Diane was named an InvestmentNews 2020 Women to Watch and has been recognized in Forbes, SF Chronicle, NY Times and more for her work and writing.

Diane Bourdo, CFP®
Diane Bourdo, CFP®

Diane Bourdo is the President of The Humphreys Group. Diane has dedicated her life’s work to helping women make smart financial decisions. For nearly 30 years, she has developed investment management and financial planning strategies that allow her clients to create lives that reflect their values. Diane was named an InvestmentNews 2020 Women to Watch and has been recognized in Forbes, SF Chronicle, NY Times and more for her work and writing.

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