Wheel of Life Assessment

This exercise will help you assess your growth, satisfaction, and development in a number of important facets of life. By completing the Wheel, you will gain insight into the level of balance and life satisfaction you are now experiencing.

You will also have the opportunity to set priorities and give yourself a target to aim for — perhaps inspiring you to set some financial and other life goals.

Wheel of Life Assessment

This exercise will help you assess your growth, satisfaction, and development in a number of important facets of life. By completing the Wheel, you will gain insight into the level of balance and life satisfaction you are now experiencing.

You will also have the opportunity to set priorities and give yourself a target to aim for — perhaps inspiring you to set some financial and other life goals.

Before You Begin...

To complete the wheel, give a number that reflects your current level of satisfaction, followed by a number that conveys where you want to be 6-12 months from now. Use a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the most satisfied

Reflecting On Your Wheel

With your wheel in hand (don’t forget to download it for future reference!), sit back and see what it looks like. Resist the temptation for self-judgment and see what your Wheel might be telling you. Consider some of these questions as you reflect:

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Let’s start talking about women and money in an unapologetic and unabashed way. For our part, we will continue to address the challenges our clients face, encourage them to venture outside their comfort zone, and empower them to recognize the strengths they already possess, in finance and beyond.

If we made women’s unique strengths, concerns, and preferences the financial norm, what would we see?

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